måndag 22 augusti 2011

Eddie Vedder

Händer så mycket jobbiga personliga saker i mitt liv just nu så skriver inte så mycket dikter nu då lusten bara har försvunnit för tillfället, så jag skriver lite i boken istället, men snart dyker en dikt upp!

Tycker ni borde lyssna på Eddie Vedder's låtar (sångaren från pearl jam). Mycket bra artist som har den starka känslan, rösten och vet hur musik ska göras.

Låten finns här och heter The end. Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqAP5ZA2Lkg


What were all those dreams we shared
Those many years ago?
What were all those plans we made
Now left beside the road?
Behind us in the road

More than friends I always pledged
Cause friends they come and go
People change as does everything
I wanted to grow old
Just want to grow old

Slide on next to me
I’m just a human being
I will take the blame
But just the same
This is not me
You see
I’m better than this

Don’t leave me so cold
Or buried beneath the stones
I just want to hold on
And know I’m worth your love
I don’t think
There’s such a thing

It’s my fault, Now I been caught
A sickness in my bones
How it pains to leave you here
With the kids on your own
Just don’t let me go

Help me see myself
Cause I can no longer tell
Looking out from the inside of
The bottom of a well
It's a hell
I yell
But no one hears

Before I disappear
Whisper in my ear
Give me something to echo
In my unknown futures ear

My dear
The End
Comes near
I’m here
But not much longer

Sara Thunell 2011

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